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Steroid Liquid Test Blend 300 Bulk Ready Liquid for sale Whatsapp:+8618873306038

Steroid Liquid Test Blend 300 Bulk Ready Liquid for sale Whatsapp:+8618873306038


Test Blend 300 mg/ml with 50ml, 100ml, 200ml, 400ml, 500ml, 1 Liter, 5 Liter Container/Packing.

Active Ingredients & Cooking Recipes of Test Blend 300 mg as below:

Test Blend 300 Testosterone enanthate 150mg Testosterone cypionate 150mg

Recipe/Formula of Test Blend 300mg @1000ml Raws Steroid Powder Ingredients: Testosterone enanthate 150g,Testosterone cypionate 150g

BA: 20ml ; BB:200ml ;

Then adequate GSO to make total volume of solution at 1000 ml

OEM Production: GSO could be replaced by MCT or Sesame oil. we can also make the gear with part of ethyl oleate in if you would like.

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