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Steroid Oil - Primobolan 100 (Methenolone Enanthate) For Bodybuilding Whatsapp:+8618873306038

Steroid Oil - Primobolan 100 (Methenolone Enanthate) For Bodybuilding Whatsapp:+8618873306038


Primobolan Cook Recipes: Recipe for Primobolan Enanthate 100mg/ml-100ml Methenolone Enanthate 10g 2mL BA (2%) 20mL BB (20%)

What is Primobolan Enanthate ? 1 . Primobolan (also known as Primo) is the common name given to the drug Methenolone Enanthate. It is an injectable steroid that is rather mild in nature when compared to other anabolic steroids (AS), and is generally seen as a more steroid more anabolic in nature rather than an androgenic one. 2 . Primo also comes in an oral form called Methenolone Acetate, however due to the non-alkylation of the methenolone in this form, it is not realistically a very useful drug for the male bodybuilder as the liver will mostly destroy the methenolone acetate ingested.

Primobolan Dosages and Administration Primobolan dosage and administration depends heavily upon which form is being used: oral or injectable. Where bodybuilding, athletics, and performance enhancement is concerned, beginner Primobolan dosages for the injectable format normally start at about 400mg per week. Intermediate Primobolan dosages are usually in the range of 400 - 700mg per week, which should be adequate enough, and advanced users may venture as high as 800 - 1,000mg per week. Female Primobolan dosages in terms of safety and minimal virilization are usually in the range of 50 - 100mg per week. Injectable Primo tends to be used far less frequently by females than the oral variant, which is the preferred form.

Oral Primobolan dosages begin in the range of 50 - 100mg per day for beginners, 100 - 150mg per day for intermediates, and 150 - 200mg for advanced users. Female oral Primobolan dosages are usually recommended to be within the range of 50 - 70mg per day, and should present little risk of virilization. Oral Primo should be administered once per day with no requirement to split up dosages throughout the day, as its half-life is about 2 - 3 days. Injectable Primobolan exhibits a half-life of 7 - 10 days due to the Enanthate ester, and should be administered twice per week, with each injection spaced evenly apart, in order to maintain stable and steady blood plasma levels.

Methenolone Enanthate(Primoject) Usage/Application:

Methenolone has a reputation as being a very safe steroid and in doses of up to 200 mgs/week very little side effects are reported. Unfortunately, many users also report minor gains at best using such a low dose and more pronounced gains seem to occur at 350 mgs/week (100 mg EOD) and up.

Methenolone Enanthate(Primoject) Recipe Injection:

1.Methenolone Enanthate(Primoject) 50 Ml for 200mg/ml 10 grams Primobolan E Powder (7.5ml) 1ml BA (2%) 7.5ml BB (15%) 17ml Grapeseed Oil 17ml Ethyl Oleate 2.Methenolone Enanthate(Primoject) 40ml for 100mg/ml 4 grams Methenolone enanthate 29 ml Grapeseed Oil 2ml Benzyl Alcohol = 5% 6ml benzyl benzoate = 15% 3.Methenolone Enanthate(Primoject) 25ml for 200mg/ml 5 grams Methenolone enanthate (3.75ml) 16.25 ml Grapeseed Oil 1.25ml benzyl alcohol = 5% 3.75ml benzyl benzoate = 15% 4.Methenolone Enanthate(Primoject) 300ml for 75mg/ml 22.5 grams Methenolone enanthate(16.875ml) 223.125 ml Grapeseed Oil 15ml Benzyl Alcohol = 5% 45ml benzyl benzoate = 15% 5.Methenolone Enanthate(Primoject) 250ml for 100mg/ml 25 grams Methenolone enanthate (18.75) 176.25 ml Grapeseed Oil 5ml benzyl alcohol = 2% 50ml benzyl benzoate = 20% 6.Methenolone Enanthate(Primoject) 250ml for 200mg/ml 50 grams Methenolone enanthate (37.5ml) 157.5 ml Grapeseed Oil 5ml benzyl alcohol = 2% 50ml benzyl benzoate = 20%

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